Name: cyg_interrupt_create ( ) - create an interrupt handler
void cyg_interrupt_create
  cyg_vector_t   vector,   /* interrupt vector             */
  cyg_priority_t priority, /* priority of interrupt        */
  cyg_addrword_t data,     /* data pointer                 */
  cyg_ISR_t      *isr,     /* interrupt service routine    */
  cyg_DSR_t      *dsr,     /* deferred service routine     */
  cyg_handle_t   *handle,  /* returned handle to interrupt */
  cyg_interrupt  *intr     /* put interrupt here           */
Description: This creates a new interrupt handler. Interrupts are highly architecture dependent. The queue priority is used only in the case that interrupts are chained. Interrupts need to be attached before they will be called by the system.

The "isr" has the prototype of cyg_uint32 cyg_ISR(cyg_vector vector, CYG_ADDRWORD data). The ISR is called from the VSR. The VSR is usually implemented by eCos itself. If the ISR returns CYG_ISR_HANDLED the DSR will NOT be called, if the ISR returns CYG_ISR_CALL_DSR the DSR is called.

The "dsr" has the prototype of void cyg_DSR(cyg_vector vector, cyg_ucount32 count, CYG_ADDRWORD data). The DSR returns nothing.

ISR's cannot access the vast majority of kernel routines. The DSR can access more routines. What can and cannot be called safely from these routines I have not found in the documentation yet.

The "handle" returns a handle to the newly created handler. The "intr" argument is an interrupt object that is used for memory storage.

Include: #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>
Returns: nothing
See Also: cyg_interrupt_delete, cyg_interrupt_attach, cyg_interrupt_detach, cyg_interrupt_get_vsr, cyg_interrupt_set_vsr, cyg_interrupt_configure

Name: cyg_interrupt_delete ( ) - delete an interrupt handler
void cyg_interrupt_delete
  cyg_handle_t interrupt /* interrupt to delete */
Description: This removes an interrupt handler from the system
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>
Returns: nothing
See Also: cyg_interrupt_create, cyg_interrupt_attach, cyg_interrupt_detach

Name: cyg_interrupt_attach ( ) - attach an interrupt vector
void cyg_interrupt_attach
  cyg_handle_t interrupt /* interrupt to attach */
Description: This attaches an interrupt to the physical layer. An interrupt cannot be called by the hardware until it's attached.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>
Returns: nothing
See Also: cyg_interrupt_create, cyg_interrupt_delete, cyg_interrupt_detach

Name: cyg_interrupt_detach ( ) - detach an interrupt
void cyg_interrupt_detach
  cyg_handle_t interrupt /* interrupt to detach */
Description: This detaches an interrupt from the physical layer.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>
Returns: nothing
See Also: cyg_interrupt_create, cyg_interrupt_delete, cyg_interrupt_attach

Name: cyg_interrupt_get_vsr ( ) - get VSR pointer of an interrupt
void cyg_interrupt_get_vsr
  cyg_vector_t vector, /* vector to get                */
  cyg_VSR_t    **vsr   /* pointer to store vsr pointer */ 
Description: This gets an interrupt's associated VSR through the second argument. It is rarely necessary to change or modify the VSR of a system since VSR's are normally setup by the eCos HAL layer.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>
Returns: nothing.
See Also: cyg_interrupt_create, cyg_interrupt_get_vsr, cyg_interrupt_set_vsr

Name: cyg_interrupt_set_vsr ( ) - set the VSR of an interrupt
void cyg_interrupt_set_vsr
  cyg_vector_t vector, /* vector to set      */
  cyg_VSR_t    *vsr    /* pointer to new vsr */
Description: This sets an interrupt's VSR. It is rarely necessary to change or modify the VSR of a system since VSR's are normally setup by the eCos HAL layer.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>
Returns: nothing.
See Also: cyg_interrupt_create, cyg_interrupt_delete, cyg_interrupt_get_vsr

Name: cyg_interrupt_disable ( ) - disable all interrupts
void cyg_interrupt_disable
Description: This disables all interrupts in the system. Avoid using this function unless strictly necessary since it will affect interrupt latency. It is better to disable thread context switching. This call can be nested, i.e. every call to cyg_interrupt_disable must be matched with cyg_interrupt_enable to re-enable interrupts.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>
Returns: nothing
See Also: cyg_interrupt_enable, cyg_interrupt_mask, cyg_interrupt_mask_intunsafe, cyg_interrupt_unmask, cyg_interrupt_unmask_intunsafe

Name: cyg_interrupt_enable ( ) - re-enable interrupts
void cyg_interrupt_enable
Description: This is the complement to cyg_interrupt_disable. For each call to cyg_interrupt_disable, there must be a matching call to cyg_interrupt_enable to re-enable interrupts. Be cautious in using these functions since they will affect overall system interrupt latency.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>
Returns: nothing
See Also: cyg_interrupt_disable, cyg_interrupt_mask, cyg_interrupt_mask_intunsafe, cyg_interrupt_unmask, cyg_interrupt_unmask_intunsafe

Name: cyg_interrupt_mask ( ) - mask a single interrupt vector
void cyg_interrupt_mask
  cyg_vector_t vector /* vector to mask */
Description: This function masks a single interrupt.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>
Returns: nothing
See Also: cyg_interrupt_disable, cyg_interrupt_enable, cyg_interrupt_mask_intunsafe, cyg_interrupt_unmask, cyg_interrupt_unmask_intunsafe

Name: cyg_interrupt_mask_intunsafe ( ) - mask interrupt, not interrupt safe
void cyg_interrupt_mask_intunsafe
  cyg_vector_t vector /* vector to mask */
Description: This function masks a single interrupt. This call is not interrupt safe.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>
Returns: nothing
See Also: cyg_interrupt_disable, cyg_interrupt_enable, cyg_interrupt_mask, cyg_interrupt_unmask, cyg_interrupt_unmask_intunsafe

Name: cyg_interrupt_unmask ( ) - unmask an interrupt
void cyg_interrupt_unmask
  cyg_vector_t vector /* vector to unmask */
Description: This unmasks an interrupt.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>
Returns: nothing
See Also: cyg_interrupt_disable, cyg_interrupt_enable, cyg_interrupt_mask, cyg_interrupt_mask_intunsafe, cyg_interrupt_unmask_intunsafe

Name: cyg_interrupt_unmask_intunsafe ( ) - unmask an interrupt, interrupt unsafe
void cyg_interrupt_unmask_intunsafe
  cyg_vector_t vector /* vector to unmask */
Description: This masks and interrupt. This call is not interrupt safe.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>
Returns: nothing
See Also: cyg_interrupt_disable, cyg_interrupt_enable, cyg_interrupt_mask, cyg_interrupt_mask_intunsafe, cyg_interrupt_unmask

Name: cyg_interrupt_acknowledge ( ) - acknowledge an interrupt
void cyg_interrupt_acknowledge
  cyg_vector_t vector /* vector to acknowledge */
Description: This acknowledges (clears) an interrupt.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>
See Also: cyg_interrupt_create, cyg_interrupt_delete, cyg_interrupt_attach, cyg_interrupt_detach

Name: cyg_interrupt_configure ( ) - configure an interrupt
void cyg_interrupt_configure
  cyg_vector_t vector, /* vector to configure                 */
  cyg_bool_t   level,  /* level or edge triggered             */
  cyg_bool_t   up      /* rising/falling edge, high/low level */
Description: This configures an interrupt for level or edge triggering as well as rising/falling edge or high/low level.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>
Returns: nothing
See Also: cyg_interrupt_create

Name: cyg_interrupt_set_cpu ( ) - set a CPU
void cyg_interrupt_set_cpu
  cyg_vector_t vector, /* vector to control */
  cyg_cpu_t    cpu     /* CPU to set        */
Description: I really have no idea what this does in an SMP sytem.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>
Returns: nothing
See Also: cyg_interrupt_get_cpu

Name: cyg_interrupt_get_cpu ( ) - get CPU
cyg_cpu_t cyg_interrupt_get_cpu
  cyg_vector_t vector /* vector to control */
Description: I really have no idea what this does in an SMP system
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>
Returns: something, apparently the CPU a vector is attached to.
See Also: cyg_interrupt_set_cpu