Name: Cyg_Mutex::Cyg_Mutex ( ) - create a mutex
Description: Creates a mutex. The mutex is created in an unlocked state. If the kernel was compiled without priority inversion the effective protocol is Cyg_Mutex::NONE.

If the kernel was compiled with priority inversion enabled, the protocol of the mutex depends on how the kernel was compiled. More data will be forthcoming on this in later revisions of the documentation. It is probably best to use the other Cyg_Mutex constructor explicitly if priority inversion is enabled.

Include: #include <cyg/kernel/mutex.hxx>
Returns: nothing
See Also: Cyg_Mutex::~Cyg_Mutex

Name: Cyg_Mutex::Cyg_Mutex ( ) - create a mutex with a specified protocol
  cyg_protcol protocol /* priority inheritence protocol */
Description: Creates a mutex with a protocol. Cyg_Mutex::NONE, Cyg_Mutex::INHERIT, or Cyg_Mutex::CEILING are the possible values. This is only valid if the kernel is compiled to support priority inversion.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/mutex.hxx>
Returns: nothing
See Also: Cyg_Mutex::~Cyg_Mutex, Cyg_Mutex::set_protocol

Name: Cyg_Mutex::~Cyg_Mutex ( ) - destroy a mutex
Description: Destroys a mutex. If other threads are waiting for this mutex they will not be released, so be sure that no threads are waiting on this mutex before destroying it.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/mutex.hxx>
Returns: nothing
See Also: Cyg_Mutex::Cyg_Mutex

Name: Cyg_Mutex::lock ( ) - lock a mutex or wait until it can be locked
cyg_bool Cyg_Mutex::lock
Description: Locks a mutex. If the mutex is not available this will wait until the mutex is free. Note that only the owner of a locked mutex can release it.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/mutex.hxx>
Returns: "true" if the mutex was locked by the calling thread "false" if the mutex could not be locked.
See Also: Cyg_Mutex::trylock, Cyg_Mutex::unlock, Cyg_Mutex::release, Cyg_Mutex::get_owner

Name: Cyg_Mutex::trylock ( ) - lock a mutex if it's free
cyg_bool Cyg_Mutex::trylock
Description: Locks a mutex only if it's free. If the mutex is not available this call will return immediately.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/mutex.hxx>
Returns: "true" if the mutex was locked by the calling thread "false" if the mutex could not be locked or has been allocated by another thread.
See Also: Cyg_Mutex::lock, Cyg_Mutex::unlock, Cyg_Mutex::release, Cyg_Mutex::get_owner

Name: Cyg_Mutex::unlock ( ) - unlock a mutex
void Cyg_Mutex::unlock
Description: Unlocks a mutex that was previously allocated by the calling thread. If the calling thread is not the owner, the behavior is undefined.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/mutex.hxx>
Returns: nothing
See Also: Cyg_Mutex::trylock, Cyg_Mutex::lock, Cyg_Mutex::release

Name: Cyg_Mutex::release ( ) - release all threads waiting on a mutex
void Cyg_Mutex::release
Description: Releases all threads waiting on a mutex. Any thread that is waiting on the mutex will not receive ownership of the mutex but will return an error if they are waiting on the mutex.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/mutex.hxx>
Returns: nothing
See Also: Cyg_Mutex::trylock, Cyg_Mutex::lock, Cyg_Mutex::unlock

Name: Cyg_Mutex::set_ceiling ( ) - set the max priority to be inherited
void Cyg_Mutex::set_ceiling
  cyg_priority priority /* ceiling priority */
Description: Set the priority ceiling of the mutex. If this mutex has the protocol of Cyg_Mutex::CEILING any thread that owns this mutex will have it's priority temporarily set to the value specified here.

It's a good idea to use this function if you use priority inheritence. The kernel will support default values, and it's typically 0, but it's good programming practice to explicity set it in your application software.

Include: #include <cyg/kernel/mutex.hxx>
Returns: nothing
See Also: Cyg_Mutex::get_ceiling

Name: Cyg_Mutex::get_ceiling ( ) - get the priority ceiling of this mutex
cyg_priority Cyg_Mutex::get_ceiling
Description: This gets the priority ceiling of the mutex. This is only meaningful if the protocol of the mutex is of type Cyg_Mutex::CEILING.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/mutex.hxx>
Returns: the priority ceiling of the mutex.
See Also: Cyg_Mutex::set_ceiling

Name: Cyg_Mutex::get_owner ( ) - get the current owner of a mutex
Cyg_Thread *Cyg_Mutex::get_owner
Description: Gets the current owner of the mutex.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/mutex.hxx>
Returns: a Cyg_Thread pointer to the current owner of the mutex or NULL if the mutex is not owned by anybody.
See Also: Cyg_Mutex::lock, Cyg_Mutex::trylock

Name: Cyg_Mutex::set_protocol ( ) - set the protocol of a mutex
void Cyg_Mutex::set_protocol
  cyg_protcol new_protocol
Description: This sets the protocol of a mutex. Valid values are Cyg_Mutex::NONE, Cyg_Mutex::INHERIT or Cyg_Mutex::CEILING.

Cyg_Mutex::NONE, no priority inheritance

Cyg_Mutex::INHERIT, inherit priority of thread currently holding mutex

Cyg_Mutex::CEILING, inherit ceiling priority of mutex

Include: #include <cyg/kernel/mutex.hxx>
Returns: nothing
See Also: Cyg_Mutex::Cyg_Mutex, Cyg_Mutex::set_ceiling, Cyg_Mutex::get_ceiling