Name: Cyg_Thread::Cyg_Thread ( ) - contructor to create a new thread
  CYG_ADDRWORD     sched_info,     /* Scheduling parameter(s)     */
  cyg_thread_entry *entry,         /* entry point function        */
  CYG_ADDRWORD     entry_data,     /* entry data                  */
  char             *name,          /* thread name                 */
  CYG_ADDRESS      stack_base = 0, /* stack base, NULL = allocate */
  cyg_ucount32     stack_size = 0  /* stack size, 0 = use default */
Description: This is the constructor to create a new thread. The "sched_info" parameter is usually just the priority, although this may change depending on the scheduler that is being used. The "name" parameter is optional but it's strongly recommended that it be used. If you do use the "name" parameter it MUST be a constant string since the string will not be copied, only the pointer to it will be.

NOTE: stack_base and stack_size CANNOT be 0 in this current implementation although this may change in future versions.

The entry function is of type: void cyg_thread_entry(CYG_ADDRWORD data).

Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
Returns: nothing
See Also: Cyg_Thread::exit

Name: Cyg_Thread::exit ( ) - terminate calling thread
static void Cyg_Thread::exit
Description: This terminates the calling thread. Before exiting a thread, be sure to free any resources you may have allocated such as mutexes, semaphores, memory, etc. This will also call the destructors if there are any before exiting.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
Returns: nothing - this function will not return
See Also:

Name: Cyg_Thread::suspend ( ) - suspend a thread
void Cyg_Thread::suspend
Description: This suspends a thread. For every call to suspend a thread, there must be a matching call to resume it with Cyg_Thread::resume(). Suspending a thread may prevent resources that the thread has from being released, so care must be taking in using this function.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
Returns: nothing
See Also: Cyg_Thread::resume, Cyg_Thread::force_resume

Name: Cyg_Thread::resume ( ) - resume a suspended thread
void Cyg_Thread::resume
Description: This resumes a thread that has been suspended. If the thread has been suspended multiple times, the thread will have to be resumed the same number of times before it can run again.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
Returns: nothing
See Also: Cyg_Thread::suspend, Cyg_Thread::force_resume

Name: Cyg_Thread::force_resume ( ) - force a suspended thread to be resumed
void Cyg_Thread::force_resume
Description: This resumes a thread that has been suspended regardless of how many times it's been suspended.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
Returns: nothing
See Also: Cyg_Thread::suspend, Cyg_Thread::resume

Name: Cyg_Thread::kill ( ) - kill a thread
void Cyg_Thread::kill
Description: This kills the calling thread. Before killing a thread, be sure to free any resources you may have allocated such as mutexes, semaphores, memory, etc.

Note that this is probably a bad way of shutting down a thread. If possible, send a signal to the thread to have it shut itself down so it can free any resources it's allocated.

Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
Returns: nothing
See Also:

Name: Cyg_Thread::release ( ) - force a thread to wake up with the reason of BREAK
void Cyg_Thread::release
Description: This wakes a thread up from a DELAY. It may also wake the thread up on a blocking wait for a semaphore, mutex, etc. It is the responsibility of the thread being woken to detect that it's been awoken
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
Returns: nothing
See Also:

Name: Cyg_Thread::yield ( ) - yield the cpu to another thread
static void Cyg_Thread::yield
Description: This yields the current thread to another, usually of the same priority - although this depends on the scheduler implementation.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
#include <cyg/kernel/thread.inl>
Returns: nothing
See Also:

Name: Cyg_Thread::self ( ) - get the "this" pointer of the calling thread
static Cyg_Thread *self
Description: This function returns the thread's "this" pointer. This is most useful when in a C context and doesn't serve much purpose when working with C++ other than defensive programming.

You can use this function to find out which thread was interrupted in an interrupt context.

Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
#include <cyg/kernel/thread.inl>
Returns: Pointer to the thread's "this" pointer.
See Also:

Name: Cyg_Thread::set_priority ( ) - set priority of a thread
void Cyg_Thread::set_priority
  cyg_priority new_priority  /* new priority */
Description: Changes the priority of a given thread. Note there is no error checking, so be careful to check ranges when using this to change the priority of a thread.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
Returns: nothing
See Also: Cyg_Thread::get_priority, Cyg_Thread::get_current_priority

Name: Cyg_Thread::get_priority ( ) - get the set priority of a thread
cyg_priority get_priority
Description: This returns the set priority of a given thread.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
#include <cyg/kernel/thread.inl>
Returns: The set priority of a given thread.
See Also: Cyg_Thread::set_priority, Cyg_Thread::get_current_priority

Name: Cyg_Thread::get_current_priority ( ) - get the current priority of a thread
cyg_priority Cyg_Thread::get_current_priority
Description: This returns the current priority of a given thread. This is normally what Cyg_Thread::get_priority returns but if the thread has inherited another priority, the inherited priority will be returned instead.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
#include <cyg/kernel/thread.inl>
Returns: the current priority of a given thread.
See Also: Cyg_Thread::set_priority, Cyg_Thread::get_priority

Name: Cyg_Thread::delay ( ) - delay a thread
void Cyg_Thread::delay
  cyg_tick_count delay /* number of ticks to delay */
Description: This delays a thread for a specified number of ticks.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
Returns: nothing
See Also:

Name: Cyg_HardwareThread::get_stack_base ( ) - get base address of a thread's stack
CYG_ADDRESS Cyg_HardwareThread::get_stack_base
Description: This returns the base address of a stack of the given thread.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
#include <cyg/kernel/thread.inl>
Returns: the base address of the given thread's stack
See Also: Cyg_HardwareThread::get_stack_size

Name: Cyg_HardwareThread::get_stack_size ( ) - get the size of a thread's stack
cyg_uint32 Cyg_HardwareThread::get_stack_size
Description: This returns the size of a given thread's stack in bytes.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
#include <cyg/kernel/thread.inl>
Returns: the size in bytes of the given thread's stack
See Also: Cyg_HardwareThread::get_stack_base

Name: Cyg_HardwareThread::measure_stack_usage ( ) - measure a stack's usage
cyg_uint32 Cyg_HardwareThread::measure_stack_usage
Description: This function measures the number of bytes that have been used for a given thread. This can help you tune your stack sizes so there is less memory usage although you should never tune your stacks so that this function returns 0.

Note that this function only returns how much stack has been consumed for a given thread at the current time the function was invoked. There is no guarentee that more stack will not be consumed later.

Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
#include <cyg/kernel/thread.inl>
Returns: the number of bytes that have been used by the stack of a given thread.
See Also: Cyg_HardwareThread::get_stack_base, Cyg_HardwareThread::get_stack_size

Name: Cyg_Thread::new_data_index ( ) - gets a new data index for per thread data
static cyg_data_index Cyg_Thread::new_data_index
Description: Gets a new index for per thread data. The index is globally allocated for each thread.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
Returns: a new (free) index that can be used to store a word of data
See Also: Cyg_Thread::free_data_index, Cyg_Thread::get_data, Cyg_Thread::get_data_ptr, Cyg_Thread::set_data

Name: Cyg_Thread::free_data_index ( ) - free a data index for per thread data
static void Cyg_Thread::free_data_index
  cyg_data_index index /* index to free */
Description: This globally frees an index that was used for per thread data.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
Returns: nothing
See Also: Cyg_Thread::new_data_index, Cyg_Thread::get_data, Cyg_Thread::get_data_ptr, Cyg_Thread::set_data

Name: Cyg_Thread::get_data ( ) - get per thread data
static CYG_ADDRWORD Cyg_Thread::get_data
  cyg_data_index index /* data index */
Description: This function reads per thread data.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
#include <cyg/kernel/thread.inl>
Returns: per thread data stored at the given index.
See Also: Cyg_Thread::get_data_ptr, Cyg_Thread::set_data

Name: Cyg_Thread::get_data_ptr ( ) - get per thread data pointer
static CYG_ADDRWORD *Cyg_Thread::get_data_ptr
  Cyg_Thread::cyg_data_index index /* data index */
Description: Gets the pointer to per thread data of the calling thread. This can be used to read or write the per thread data.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
#include <cyg/kernel/thread.inl>
Returns: a pointer to the per thread data.
See Also: Cyg_Thread::get_data, Cyg_Thread::set_data

Name: Cyg_Thread::set_data ( ) - set per thread data
void Cyg_Thread::set_data
  cyg_data_index index, /* index of the per thread data */
  CYG_ADDRWORD   data   /* data to write                */
Description: This function writes per thread data.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
#include <cyg/kernel/thread.inl>
Returns: nothing
See Also: Cyg_Thread::get_data, Cyg_Thread::get_data_ptr

Name: Cyg_Thread::add_destructor ( ) - add a thread destructor
cyg_bool Cyg_Thread::add_destructor
  destructor_fn fn,  /* call back destructor function */
  CYG_ADDRWORD  data /* data to pass to destructor    */
Description: This adds a destructor to the thread. All the destructors will be called by Cyg_Thread::exit (). The destructor callback has the following prototype void destructor_fn (CYG_ADDRWORD).
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
#include <cyg/kernel/thread.inl>
Returns: "true" if the destructor was added, "false" if the destructor could not be added.
See Also: Cyg_Thread::rem_destructor, Cyg_Thread::exit

Name: Cyg_Thread::rem_destructor ( ) - remove a thread destructor
cyg_bool Cyg_Thread::rem_destructor
  destructor_fn fn,  /* destructor to remove                         */
  CYG_ADDRWORD  data /* data that was to be passed to the destructor */
Description: Removes a destructor from a thread. The destructor callback and the data must be match those of the constructor otherwise the destructor will not be deleted.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
#include <cyg/kernel/thread.inl>
Returns: "true" if the destructor was removed, "false" if the destructor could not be removed.
See Also: Cyg_Thread::add_destructor

Name: Cyg_Thread::register_exception ( ) - register an exception handler
static void Cyg_Thread::register_exception
  cyg_code              exception_number, /* exception number */
  cyg_exception_handler handler,          /* handler function */
  CYG_ADDRWORD          data,             /* data argument    */
  cyg_exception_handler **old_handler,    /* handler function */
  CYG_ADDRWORD          *old_data         /* data argument    */
Description: This registers an exception handler for the calling thread.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
#include <cyg/kernel/thread.inl>
Returns: nothing
See Also: Cyg_Thread::deregister_exception

Name: Cyg_Thread::deregister_exception ( ) - deregister an exception
static void deregister_exception
  cyg_code exception_number /* exception number */
Description: This deregisters an exception handler for the calling thread.
Include: #include <cyg/kernel/thread.hxx>
#include <cyg/kernel/thread.inl>
Returns: nothing
See Also: Cyg_Thread::register_exception