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Message Queues

msgCreate ( )
Name: msgCreate ( ) - create a message queue
MSG_HANDLE msgCreate
  u32 u32MessageCount, /* max number of messages */
  u32 u32SizeOfMessage /* size of each message */
Description: Creates a message queue which can contain a maximum of u32MessageCount messages that are each u32SizeOfMessage bytes long.
Include: msg.h
Returns: The MSG_HANDLE of the newly created queue. Note that this function will not return if the message queue cannot be created, instead the system will halt (during development) or reboot (if in the field) so there are no illegal values that can be returned.
See Also: msgDestroy, msgWrite, msgRead

msgDestroy ( )
Name: msgDestroy ( ) - destroys a message queue
void msgDestroy
  MSG_HANDLE msgToDestroy /* message queue to destroy */
Description: Deletes and frees the associated memory of a message queue.
Include: msg.h
Returns: nothing
See Also: msgCreate

msgWrite ( )
Name: msgWrite ( ) - sends a message to a message queue
STATUS msgWrite
  MSG_HANDLE   msgToWrite,             /* queue to send message to */
  void         * vPtr,                 /* data to send to queue */
  u32          u32MillisecondsToWait,  /* timeout in ms */
  MSG_PRIORITY msgPriority             /* priority of message */
Description: Writes a message to a message queue. If the message queue is full, it will block for u32MillisecondsToWait milliseconds. The value NO_WAIT may be used for u32Milliseconds if a non blocking write is needed and WAIT_FOREVER can be used if there is no timeout. The parameter msgPriority may either be set to MSG_NORMAL to place it at the end of the list or MSG_URGENT to place the message at the beginning of the list.

Note that the vPtr parameter must point to a block of data that is the same exact size of the parameter u32SizeOfMessage in the function msgCreate.

Include: msg.h
Returns: MSG_SUCCESS if a message was written or MSG_TIMEOUT if u32MillisecondsToWait milliseconds elapsed before a space to write the message became available in the queue. Note that MSG_TIMEOUT can never be returned if u32MillisecondsToWait was set to WAIT_FOREVER
See Also: msgCreate, msgRead

msgRead ( )
Name: msgRead ( ) - retrieves a message from a message queue
STATUS msgRead
  MSG_HANDLE msgToRead,            /* queue to read from */
  void       * vPtr,               /* location to place message in */
  u32        u32MillisecondsToWait /* timeout in ms */
Description: Reads a message from a message queue. If the message queue is empty, it will block for u32MillisecondsToWait milliseconds. The value NO_WAIT may be used for u32Milliseconds if a non blocking read is needed and WAIT_FOREVER can be used if there is no timeout.

Note that the vPtr parameter must point to a block of memory that is the same exact size of the parameter u32SizeOfMessage in the function msgCreate.

Include: msg.h
Returns: MSG_SUCCESS if a message was read or MSG_TIMEOUT if u32MillisecondsToWait milliseconds elapsed before a message became available in the queue. Note that MSG_TIMEOUT can never be returned if u32MillisecondsToWait was set to WAIT_FOREVER
See Also: msgCreate, msgWrite


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