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mutCreate ( )
Name: mutCreate ( ) - creates a mutex
MUT_HANDLE mutCreate
Description: Creates a mutex. Mutexes in this system do not inherit priorities. Mutexes are similar to binary semaphores, except that the thread that allocates the mutex must also release the mutex. Mutexes are created in an unallocated state.
Include: mutex.h
Returns: The MUT_HANDLE of the newly created mutex. Note that this function will not return if the mutex cannot be created, instead the system will halt (during development) or reboot (if in the field) so there are no illegal values that can be returned.
See Also: mutDestroy, mutTake, mutGive

mutDestroy ( )
Name: mutDestroy ( ) - destroys a mutex
void mutDestroy
  MUT_HANDLE mutHandle /* mutex to delete */
Description: Deletes a mutex. Be careful not to delete a mutex from the system that is currently allocated by a thread since this is undefined behavior.
Include: mutex.h
Returns: nothing
See Also: mutCreate

mutTake ( )
Name: mutTake ( ) - takes a mutex
void mutTake
  MUT_HANDLE mutHandle /* mutex to take */
Description: Requests ownership of a mutex. If the mutex is not immediately available, the calling thread is blocked until the mutex becomes available.

Note that it is undefined behavior to call this function multiple times without calling mutGive. In other words, nesting this call is not supported.

Include: mutex.h
Returns: nothing
See Also: mutGive

mutGive ( )
Name: mutGive ( ) - releases a taken mutex
void mutGive
  MUT_HANDLE mutHandle /* mutex to give */
Description: Releases ownership of a mutex. Mutexes can only be released by the thread that took the mutex. Releasing a mutex that has been taken by another thread is undefined behavior. This function is paired with mutTake.
Include: mutex.h
Returns: nothing
See Also: mutTake


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